Angram Bank Curriculum

Our ‘Big Bus Curriculum’ meets the requirements of the National Curriculum and has been designed to give all our pupils the knowledge and learning opportunities they need to succeed in the future. Our ‘Big Bus Curriculum’ is aspirational for all and is a seamless learning journey from Foundation Stage One to the end of Key Stage Two, providing learning opportunities designed to engage them and to promote meaningful learning. There is clear progression and sequencing in all subjects and this is made explicit to our pupils so that they understand that their current learning builds on prior learning. The design of our curriculum creates opportunities to ensure knowledge is revisited, and committed to long term memory. We know that our children make good progress because they know more, remember more and can do more.

We have enjoyed the "journey" of designing and implementing our 'Big Bus Curriculum'. Sequencing for each subject has been addressed across the curriculum and we understand the importance of sequencing to secure effective learning. Our curriculum is designed to help pupils remember the content they have been taught and to be able to make sense of new learning because of this. We monitor children's achievements and work to ensure that their learning over time shows they are acquiring and applying subject knowledge effectively. We aim to create an environment that enables children to focus on learning. We have designed a bespoke curriculum to overcome barriers to learning. This is why spiritual, moral, social and cultural development (SMSC) as well as the British Values are the drivers in our curriculum design and promote cultural capital. These are embedded into the curriculum and are consistently revisited through our Angram Bank Values.


If you would like any further information, please click on this link to view the National Curriculum 


See below for yearly overviews:

Big Bus Curriculum

Early Years


Our curriculum is ambitious and designed to give children, particularly the most disadvantaged, the knowledge, self-belief and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.

Our curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced it builds on what children know and can do. Any sequences given are sequences of learning and not planning.  They are not always intended for the entire class group but for each individual child based on their starting points and where they are at that moment in time both academically and emotionally.  The purpose of the pathway is to establish where the child is and where they are going next.

Our curriculum is implemented through interactions with children during planned and child-initiated play and activities, communicating and modelling language, showing, explaining, demonstrating, exploring ideas, encouraging, questioning, recalling, providing a narrative for what they are doing, facilitating and setting challenges.  This could be as a result of consciously sequenced planning or by making the best use of spontaneous teachable moments.

We ensure that all children acquire a wide vocabulary, communicate effectively and secure a knowledge of phonics.

We are passionate about the 7 priorities of early reading and phonics within the EYFS –see reading and phonics policy.

We understand that each child is unique and learns and develops at different rates. Particularly the most disadvantaged children and those with SEND who may need a curriculum which is ambitious while still meeting their needs.


Our curriculum meets the needs of the EYFS and is sufficiently challenging for all our children.

Our staff are knowledgeable about the 7 areas of teaching and learning, child development and individual children.

We engage children and teach them in a way that is both exciting and stimulating and introduces new concepts

The three prime areas of learning underpin everything that happens in our early years settings:

  • communication and language
  • physical development
  • personal, social and emotional development


The four specific areas are intended to help children to strengthen and apply the prime areas.

The following characteristics of effective teaching and learning will weave through everything that happens in our setting:

  • playing and exploring
  • active learning
  • creating and thinking critically

We understand the importance of personal, social and emotional development including whether children feel safe, are secure, stimulated and happy.  Clear messages are modelled to ensure children understand the importance of living a healthy life.

.The EYFS is very much a part of the whole school and as a school we are passionate about early reading and phonics- see reading and phonics policy and phonics overview for the whole school approach to the teaching of reading and phonics.

Staff are also knowledgeable about the teaching of early mathematics- see school mathematics policy and planning.

We understand the importance of formative assessment in the EYFS.  We always ensure that we identify misconceptions, respond and adapt teaching as necessary.

We strive to provide enabling environments with teaching and support from adults who have strong positive relationships with our children. We understand the importance of involving and regularly reporting parents, carers, professionals and specialists in deciding how best to support our children and move their learning forward.  This includes a remote learning platform throughout the EYFS.



By the end of reception children:

  • Will have detailed knowledge across the 7 areas of learning.
  • Will use their knowledge of phonics to read both accurately and fluently.
  • Will be Year One ready.
  • Will achieve well, particularly those with lower starting points.
  • Will chive the Early Learning Goals.
  • Will have a love of reading, songs and rhymes and will be able to respond to these with comments, questions and answers.
  • Will be able to use the characteristics of learning effectively.
  • Will be beginning to manage their own feelings and behaviours and will be developing a sense of right and wrong.


Click here to view our Early Years Vision


It is our intent that at Angram Bank reading is a priority. We are determined that every pupil will learn to read regardless of their background, needs or abilities. 

We understand that it is essential that we teach phonics first and intensively making sure that every child learns the phonetic code quickly.   The National Curriculum requires us to teach phonics because it forms the building blocks of reading that every child needs to master the phonetic code as quickly as possible.

At Angram Bank we teach phonics from the start.  Children begin to learn about sounds in nursery and are taught their first GPCs in their final term before entering reception.  Our phonics programme matches the expectations of the English National Curriculum and Early Learning Goals.  We have clear expectations of pupils’ phonics progress week by week from FS2 to Y6 (see Phonics overview).  This programme aligns with the sequence of our individual reading books which show a cumulative progression in phonics and common exception word knowledge.

Children who fall behind are identified quickly and are given targeted support immediately.  In order to do this we have ensured that all our staff have been trained in the teaching and assessment of reading and phonics, all staff have had the opportunity to watch reading and phonics being taught and are able to draw on the expertise of other staff whenever needed.

We understand that although phonics plays an important part in decoding, without lots of books, songs, poems and stories children will not be the confident, fluent readers they need to be. Therefore, at the heart of our intent is the ambition that children leave our school with a deep love of books and a passion for reading that they take with them for the rest of their lives.

Reading and Phonics Policy

Phonics Overview


There is a culture of reading across school which is underpinned by a rigorous and sequential approach to the reading curriculum. Our intention is that all pupils are fluent, confident readers who develop a love of reading. We work with both passion and commitment to ensure we achieve this.

We implement this through a rich and varied curriculum, which includes Independent Reading, Phonics lessons and interventions, Guided Reading, Little Wandle Together Time, Class Reading, Story Together Time, Rocket Reading, reading within other subjects, Let’s Think in English and reading within provision in the EYFS.

We are keen to ensure there are reading opportunities across the curriculum and our "Big Bus Curriculum" reflects this. We use carefully chosen texts to secure, reinforce and pre-teach the wider curriculum and have also adopted core texts from "The Reading Spine" for each year group.

Our assessment informs our Intervention Provision Mapping and children who fall behind are identified quickly and are given targeted support immediately.  We work together with our parents offering workshops and drop-ins and help them to effectively support their child's reading.  Our Little Wandle SSP can be reached directly directly to our website and also provides a wealth of information about teaching We have an open-door policy for questions and they can also communicate with us at any time by email or Seesaw message.  Many of our books are available as e books and are linked precisely to the reading level of the child.

The impact of our reading curriculum is that children leave our school with a deep love of books and a passion for reading that they take with them for the rest of their lives.  Fluency and enjoyment are a result of careful teaching and frequent practice.

Reading and Phonics Policy


Our intention for Writing  at Angram Bank Primary School  is to ensure that every child has access to all aspects of the English Writing Curriculum; thus enabling each individual to successfully apply their learning, skills and knowledge to a variety of writing styles, genres, purposes and audiences and become capable, confident successful writers.

The Writing Curriculum is implemented through the ‘Angram Bank Planet Writing Map’ which ensures that a range of genres and text types are covered and revisited throughout both key stages: this supports the development of mastery and fluency in writing. The writing map makes specific links to ‘Rocket Reading’ which enables pupils to encounter many high quality text that will support the writing process. When appropriate, some of the writing is able to utilise knowledge and understanding gained through the learning in other curriculum areas (such as history).

The ‘Planet Writing Sequence’ ensures that all pupils are able to become immersed in the purpose of the writing; analyse the features and characteristics of the text/genre; learn and apply specific writing skills; develop specific and high tier vocabulary; and consequently are able to use this learning to plan, write and review their own writing.

The impact of these teaching processes, along with high quality marking and feedback; teacher knowledge of writing throughout school; and internal and cross-school moderation for all year groups, ensures consistency in quality, quantity and expectations throughout the school. The teacher’s knowledge and understanding of the expected outcomes of all year groups result in pupils becoming independent informed writers who are competent and fluent in  a variety of styles and genres.


Planet Writing Overview



At Angram Bank Primary, our intention is to ensure all children access a high quality maths curriculum with a mastery approach, so that all children become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics. Children will also be able to reason mathematically and solve problems by applying their understanding.  

Our maths curriculum is implemented through White Rose’s carefully sequenced units which enable children to master concepts and become assured, happy and resilient mathematicians who relish the challenge of maths. These overviews are designed to support a mastery approach to teaching and learning and have been designed to support the aims and objectives of the new National Curriculum. These overviews:

  • Have number at the heart. A large proportion of time is spent reinforcing number to build competency
  • Support the idea of depth before breadth
  • Ensure all children have access to an ambitious curriculum
  • Provide plenty of opportunities to build reasoning and problem solving elements into the curriculum
  • Provide all children the opportunities to build competency using concrete, pictorial and abstract representations
  • With the White Rose calculation policies ensure a consistent approach in teaching the four operations.

Angram Bank children need daily Maths Meetings alongside high quality maths lessons which enables them to embed key concepts in their long-term memory and provide teachers with various opportunities to assess children’s learning and understanding of concepts.

The impact of the maths curriculum is that children become fluent mathematicians and are able to apply mastered concepts to other areas. Our high quality formative assessment allows teachers to check pupils’ understanding effectively, and identify and correct misconceptions. These assessments are used to inform our daily planning and pupil progress meetings.

Mathematics Overview

Mathematicss Progession Document

Calculation Policy Overview

Addiion and Subtraction Calculation Policy

Multiplication and Division Caluclation Policy


Our PE curriculum intends to engage all pupils in regular physical activity in order to develop themselves personally through building their confidence, resilience and knowledge on how to keep themselves mentally and physically healthy. 

We implement our curriculum through: high quality sequenced PE lessons from ‘Get Set 4 PE’ which meets the National Curriculum, investments in school sport and a relentless focus on increasing physical activity. A broad range of sports are offered through our PE Curriculum Map and throughout the school day to give children ample opportunities to become active and to inspire them to succeed in physically-demanding activities and competitive sports.

The impact is that children have the knowledge, skills and understanding to become physically literate which enables them to lead and maintain healthy, active lives. Our PE curriculum contributes to the Personal Development and cultural capital of all our children. By working with Arches School Sports Partnership, we are able to increase children's participation in competitive sports across Sheffield, enabling children to reflect wisely, learn eagerly, behave with integrity and cooperate consistently well with others whilst developing a life-long love of sport and fitness.

PE Overview


The intention of our Science curriculum is to provide the foundations for understanding the world through biology, chemistry and physics.

Our Science curriculum is implemented through White Rose’s carefully sequenced units. This enables us to develop essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science to ensure children construct a secure foundation of knowledge and concepts, which will be built upon in subsequent learning.

The impact of this approach will ensure children have the skills and knowledge to apply when working scientifically; this is how children will develop a sense of excitement and curiosity around science and how the world works.


Science Overview

Curriculum Mapping


Our intention is to inspire our pupils to be more enthusiastic to learn more about the past. We strive to give children a coherent knowledge of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. We want children to not only understand the narrative of different points of History, but to also have the chronological understanding how History links and overlaps from the earliest times to present day.

The History curriculum is implemented through a carefully planned and sequenced curriculum. Children will learn about three different periods of History per year in a chronological order. *Children gain a progressive understanding of seven key historical concepts: Chronology, Sources and Evidence, Cause and Consequence, Similarity and Difference, Historical Significance, Change and Continuity and Interpretation.

The impact of our curriculum is that children think like historians and are equipped to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence and develop perspective and judgement. They understand the chronology of the History they have studied and can explain their knowledge as a coherent narrative.

History Overview


Angram Bank’s Geography curriculum intends to inspire pupils to become curious and explorative thinkers with a diverse knowledge of the world to enable them to think like a geographer. This will enable children to become resourceful, active citizens who will have the skills to contribute to and improve the world around them. Furthermore, pupils will be able to meet the end of key stage attainment targets in the National curriculum.

Our intention is for pupils to develop a growing understanding of geographical concepts, terms and vocabulary with the confidence to:

  • Question and observe places, measure and record necessary data in various ways, and analyse and present their findings.
  • Apply both geographical skills and knowledge.
  • Think critically with the ability to ask perceptive questions and explain and analyse evidence.
  • Develop fieldwork skills in each year group.

Our curriculum follows the four subheadings from the national curriculum: Locational knowledge; Place knowledge; Human and physical geography ; Geographical skills and fieldwork.

Our Geography curriculum has a clear progression of skills and knowledge within these four strands across each year group, with key concepts woven across all units rather than being taught discretely. Our curriculum is a spiral curriculum, with essential knowledge and skills revisited with increasing complexity, allowing pupils to revise and build on their previous learning. Our enquiry questions form the basis of each lesson within the Key stage 1 and 2 units, meaning that pupils gain a solid understanding of geographical knowledge and skills by applying them to answer enquiry questions. Each unit contains elements of geographical skills and fieldwork to ensure that fieldwork skills are practised as often as possible.

Our approach to learning enables teachers to assess children against the National curriculum expectations for Geography. After implementing our curriculum, pupils will leave school equipped with a range of skills and knowledge to enable them to study Geography with confidence at Key stage 3. We shape children into curious and inspired geographers with respect and appreciation for the world around them alongside an understanding of the interconnection between the human and the physical.

Geography Overview

Art & Design

At Angram Bank our intention is to provide a high-quality art and design education that engages, inspires and challenges pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.

We implement this through following the Kapow scheme of work which progressively sequences the National Curriculum statements by providing discrete lessons teaching the formal elements of art as well as applying these skills in context.

The impact of the Art curriculum is that children can confidently apply their skills to their own works of art, craft and design.

Art and Design Overview

Design & Technology

The intention of our D&T curriculum is to ensure that, through EYFS, KS1 and KS2, our children are taught the knowledge, understanding and skills to engage with the process of designing and making.

We implement this through teaching our pupils to design, make and evaluate, whilst developing their technical knowledge in a wide range of contexts. Cooking and nutrition focuses on a healthy diet and an understanding of where food comes from.

The impact is that throughout their time in school children experience a variety of creative and practical activities which develop their DT knowledge, skills and understanding.

Design and Technolgy Overview


At Angram Bank our intention is to provide a high quality music education which engages and inspires pupils to develop a love of music and build upon their musical talents. This will increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement.

We implement this through following the Kapow scheme of work which progressively sequences the National Curriculum statements. Children are taught to listen with concentration to high quality music and to create, and compose music. We work in partnership with the Sheffield Music Hub to enhance our music curriculum.

The impact is that our children develop a growing confidence and understanding of music. We design and create many opportunities to perform and showcase their musical confidence.

Music Overview


Our intention is to delivery a high quality computing curriculum covering all aspects of the National Curriculum that matches the needs of our children. We aim to teach children computer science, information technology and ensure children become digitally literate whilst providing key skills for later life. We aim to inspire children to become active and responsible participants in our increasingly digital world.

We implement our high quality curriculum throughout  school starting with the very youngest children. We use and adapt the ‘Sheffield Primary Computing Scheme of Work’ as a vehicle to deliver computing lessons ensuring that all sessions meet the needs of our children. We progressively and sequentially builds knowledge and understanding through discrete and cross-curricular lessons throughout school to create safe, responsible and effective users of technology.

The impact of our curriculum is that pupils are confident and responsible users of technology. Angram Bank children enjoy applying their skills to a range of contexts showing problem solving skills and creativity. Through a high quality computing education, pupils are equipped with the knowledge, skills and concepts to understand and change the world.

Computing Overview

Progression Framework

Online Safety Curriculum


At Angram Bank Primary, we believe that it is vital for all our pupils to learn from and about religion, so that they can understand the world around them. We intend to equip pupils with the knowledge and understanding of a range of religions and world views, enabling them to develop their ideas, values and identity.

Our RE curriculum is implemented through the Sheffield Agreed Syllabus. The syllabus enables the teaching of RE to make a distinctive and significant contribution to social, moral, spiritual and cultural development. We value the religious background of all members of the school community and hope that this will encourage individuals to share their own experiences with others freely.

The impact of our RE curriculum is that enjoy learning lots about other religions. Through their RE learning, the children are able to make links between their own lives and those of others in their community and in the wider world.


Sheffield Agreed Syllabus


Our intention focusses on enabling pupils to make substantial progress in learning Spanish. The teaching provides an appropriate balance of spoken and written language . It should enable pupils to understand and communicate ideas, facts and feelings in speech and writing, focused on familiar and routine matters, using their knowledge of phonology, grammatical structures and vocabulary. We strive to embed the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing necessary to enable children to use and apply their learning in a variety of contexts.

The MFL curriculum is implemented through regularly taught lessons designed to develop children’s knowledge, skills and understanding. Children will progressively acquire, use and apply a growing bank of vocabulary organised around topics.

The impact of our languages curriculum is that it will lay the foundations of further foreign language teaching at key stage 3.

Languages Overview


At Angram Bank Primary School, we are committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment where children can learn, develop, and thrive. Our Relationships, Sex, and Health Education (RSHE) curriculum is an essential part of our commitment to nurturing the holistic development of our pupils. At Angram Bank we also encourage children to develop their personal, social, moral and spiritual development through our RSHE curriculum.

Our RSHE curriculum aims to:

  1. Promote the physical, emotional, and mental well-being of our pupils.
  2. Encourage respectful and positive relationships.
  3. Provide age-appropriate and up-to-date information on health, sex, and relationships.
  4. Foster self-esteem, self-respect, and respect for others.
  5. Equip pupils with the skills to make safe and informed choices.


We implement our curriculum through:

Age-Appropriate Content: We ensure that RSHE lessons are age-appropriate, using materials and content that align with the developmental stage of our pupils.

High-Quality Lessons: Our RSHE curriculum is delivered by trained teachers who follow high-quality teaching methods, encouraging student engagement and participation.

Inclusivity: We recognise the diverse backgrounds and needs of our pupils, and our RSHE curriculum is inclusive, sensitive, and respectful of all cultural and religious perspectives. We ensure that all children, including SEND are included and considered during the planning and delivery of our RSHE curriculum. For individual children with specific needs, the content and sequence of the curriculum is shaped to meet their specific needs at different developmental stages.

See our equality policy for protected characteristics.


The impact of our RSHE curriculum:

  1. Pupils will develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and empathy.
  2. We continuously assess the implementation and impact of our RSHE curriculum in order to achieve the highest outcomes possible across all year groups.
  3. Pupils will be prepared for puberty, giving them an understanding of sexual development and the importance of health and hygiene.
  4. Children will become confident individuals who have positive body awareness and an in-depth knowledge of how to keep themselves safe and healthy.
  5. Children will, through respect, tolerance and understanding, forge and maintain positive relationships with a diverse range of family and friendship groups.


RSHE Policy

Curriculum Map

Progression Map

Trauma Informed Relationship Policy