- Anti-bullying
- Attendance
- Calculation
- Charging & Remissions
- Child Protection and Safeguarding
- Code of Conduct for Governing Bodies
- Complaints
- Online Safety
- GDPR Privacy Notice
- GDPR Privacy Notice (Child-Friendly Version)
- Managing Medicines in School
- Positive Behaviour
- Prevent Duty
- Safeguarding
- Special Educational Needs & Disabilities
- Equality Policy
- RSHE Policy
We are committed to providing a caring, friendly, and safe environment for all of our pupils so they can learn in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable at our school. If bullying does occur, all pupils should be able to tell and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively. Anyone who knows that bullying is happening is expected to tell the staff.
You can download a copy of this policy here.
As you are aware, our school considers regular attendance a priority to improve the educational outcomes of our children. From September 2015, the Department of Education (DfE) have said that pupils with school attendance below 90% will be at risk of becoming a persistent absentee. Any absence including illness, medical appointments, term time leave, punctuality and unauthorised absence will affect your child's attendance rate.
With immediate effect we will be unauthorising absences for children with attendance below 93%. If this affects your child, you will be sent a letter informing you their attendance will no longer be authorised.
Like you, we want the very best for all our children, we hope therefore that you will support us in ensuring your child attends school every day and on time in order for them to access the education they are entitled to, enabling them to reach their full potential. If you would like to discuss your child's attendance, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Pitcher or Mrs Beauchamp.
You can download a copy of this policy here.
At Angram Bank Primary School we have adopted this calculation policy. Children learn to add, subtract, multiply and divide using the methods outlined. Children will use these stages at appropriate times in their learning.
Charging & Remissions
Although education is provided free of charge, the Governing Body recognises the valuable contribution that the wide range of additional activities, including clubs, visits and residential experiences can make towards pupils' personal and social education.
You can download a copy of this policy here.
Child Protection and Safeguarding
Our school fully recognises the responsibilities for child protection and safeguarding of pupils. Our policy applies to all staff, governors and volunteers working in school.
You can download a copy of this policy here.
Code of Conduct for Governing Bodies
This code of conduct for school governors remains anchored in the Seven Nolan Principles of Public Life: selflessness; integrity; objectivity; accountability; openness; honesty and leadership. This code applies to the whole governing body.
You can download a copy of this policy here.
If your child has a problem at school, there is a process you should follow to report your concerns. If you have comments or concerns please let school know. We welcome suggestions for improving our work in school.
You can download a copy of this policy here.
Online Safety
At Angram Bank we are committed to educating children in how to stay safe online and how to be responsible users of the internet. This can only be achieved with close partnership between home and school. If you have any worries about online safety or any online activities please contact school and speak to a member of the Safeguarding Team. We have a comprehensive Internet Usage policy which provides rules and guidelines for our children and staff to follow. Please click here to view our acceptable use agreement. We have also included some important links within our website which can be found in the "School Information" and "Useful links"
Filtering and Monitoring Policy
You can download a copy of this policy here.
GDPR Privacy Notice
Under the General Data Protection Regulation, Angram Bank Primary School is registered with the Information Commissioners Office. The school has a duty to protect the & personal data & we hold. For further information please see the Privacy Notice below
You can download a copy of this policy here.
GDPR Privacy Notice (Child-Friendly Version)
Under the General Data Protection Regulation, Angram Bank Primary School is registered with the Information Commissioners Office. This Child-friendly Privacy Notice explains what information we collect about you, how we store it, how long we keep it and who we share your information with and the reasons why.
You can download a copy of this policy here.
Managing Medicines in School
This document sets out a clear framework and approved guidelines for schools and other settings to implement ensuring that children and young people requiring medicines and care receive the support they need.
You can download a copy of this policy here.
Positive Behaviour
This policy provides a framework for the creation of a happy, secure and orderly environment in which children can learn and develop as caring and responsible people. It is written for all members of the school community to allow each one to understand the policy of the school and to apply it consistently and fairly.
You can download a copy of this policy here.
Prevent Duty
This statutory guidance makes clear that schools and childcare providers are expected to assess the risk of children being drawn into terrorism, including support from extremist ideas that are part of terrorist ideology. This means being able to demonstrate both a general understanding of the risks affecting children and young people in the area and a specific understanding of how to identify individual children who may be at risk of radicalisation and what to do to support them. Even very young children may be vulnerable to radicalisation by others, whether in the family or outside, and display concerning behaviour. The Prevent duty does not require teachers or childcare providers to carry out unnecessary intrusion into family life but as with any other safeguarding risk, they must take action when they observe behaviour of concern.
We have also put a link to a very useful website http://educateagainsthate.com. The advice is aimed at keeping children and young people safe against radicalisation and extremism, as well as supporting their social development and educational attainment.
You can view the policy by clicking here
We all have a statutory duty to “safeguard and promote the welfare of children”. If you have any concerns about the health and safety of a child at this education setting or feel that something may be troubling them, you should share this information with an appropriate member of staff straight away. Please click on the link below for the safeguarding contact information.
Safeguarding Information for Parents and Carers
All the policies related to safeguarding can be viewed on the Safeguarding Sheffield Children website (click here to view). Copies of these are located in each of our buildings and staff have access to them via the school's website.
Special Educational Needs & Disabilities
Angram Bank Primary School is committed to providing a high quality inclusive environment for all our learners. In order for this to continue the school's Special Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Policy is being updated to fulfil the requirements of the new Code of Practice (Children and Families Bill part 3) which became effective on 1st September 2014. Please follow the link to the local authority local offer pages or alternatively download the SEND Sheffield Leaflet for more information.
To download Angram Bank's SEND Report click here.
You can download a copy of this policy here.
Equality Policy
Angram Bank Primary School has developed this Equality Policy to help us to meet our statutory duties which have been placed on all school governing bodies to counteract the effects of institutional discrimination on the grounds of race, disability and gender.
You can download a copy of this policy here.
RSHE Policy
Angram Bank Primary School has developed this policy in consultation with staff; including governors and parents. This policy has been written usin gthe DfE statotry guidence and Sheffield's Primary RSHE Curriculum. RSHE aims to support children’s emotional development by educating them about relationships and emotions.
Trauma Informed Relationship Policy - click here
You can download a copy of this policy here.